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The inaugural Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building (#GC3B), co-organized by the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), the World Bank (WB), the CyberPeace Institute, and the World Economic Forum (WEF), will take place on 7-9 February 2023 at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington, D.C., under the theme “Cyber Resilience for Development.”

Built upon four pillars – (1) Cyber Resilience for Development; (2) Collaboration to Secure the Digital Ecosystem; (3) Cyber Capacity Building for the Stability and Security of the Digital Environment; and (4) Solutions for Safeguarding Development from Digital Risks and Threats – the conference seeks to bring together decision-makers from around the world to catalyze action on mainstreaming cybersecurity, resilience, and cyber capacity building (#CCB) within the international development agenda. It also aims to raise awareness of how cybersecurity and resilience are an integral part of digital, social, and economic development as well as critical to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs).

The first-annual GC3B is anticipated to:

  • Develop a demand-driven and international Global Cyber Capacity Building Agenda for cyber resilient development;
  • Enhance CCB efforts by accelerating current multi-stakeholder cooperation and public-private partnerships;
  • Mobilize global action, promote coordination mechanisms for CCB at the global and regional levels, and encourage funding of CCB;
  • Advance good practices and tools for the protection of critical infrastructure; and
  • Showcase examples from developing countries, particularly across the Global South, that have effectively incorporated cybersecurity and resilience into their development strategies and infrastructure projects and successfully coordinated external CCB funding and activities.

For more information, please email Michael J. Oghia, GC3B Communications Coordinator, at: